The Samsung Gear VR for those of who don’t know is a head mount for certain variants of the Samsung Galaxy note 4. When added to the Gear VR headset it makes a totally independent system (No PC or console needed) which is pretty cool. Its use for gaming is a bit questionable right now though, I have my doubts about what is essentially a mobile game for VR being anything more than an expensive gimmick.

But damn, what a gimmick.

The move makes more sense when hearing from CCP’s CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson who says: 

It seems CCP really are committed to hitting the ground running when it comes to VR. Gunjack may be a tester for the market, or maybe there to drum up hype for its other VR title EVE: Valkyrie which has yet to be released.

Either way the time of full AAA VR titles are coming and CCP seem to be committed to being on the ground floor when it gets here.