There’s League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm for MOBA lovers, Street Fighter V and Mortal Kombat X for fighting game enthusiasts, etc. You know what they say though… everything gets more interesting when alcohol is involved.

Change up your normal routine and use one of these drinking games to spice up your night, whether it be a weekend or just that random Wednesday.

No matter how expensive the mouse or how epic the DualShock controller with the built-in microphone, nothing feels more wholesome than a good board game night with great friends. 

Raise the stakes with these alcohol versions of some well-loved classics:

The Munchkin Drinking Game

Munchkin is the adventurous board game many nerd know and love. Turn this card RPG into a drinking game by taking a drink every time:

You lose a level You lose combat You are cursed You have to give another player a card When someone else wins the game

Give a drink to the player of your choice whenever:

You gain a level

Red Dragon Inn

Red Dragon Inn is a card game that already has a drinking theme to the cards!

Simply take an actual drink when the game tells you to and you’ll have yourself a drinking game!

The Cards Against Humanity Drinking Game

Cards Against Humanity is already a fan favorite, but to make things a bit more interesting take a drink of alcohol when you lose a round.

The Werewolf Drinking Game

Werewolf is a fantastic party game that hypes up all the attendees since everyone has to stand up and be involved. 

You are either a werewolf or a villager, at random, and the point is to kill everyone on the other side. However, you don’t know who is who and everyone can try to talk their way out of anything. 

To make this a drinking game you can drink every time you:

Die Kill a villager instead of a werewolf Change from Day to Night and vice versa The Doctor saves someone

Movie Drinking Games

Maybe you and all your friends want to watch a movie together instead of all the volume and excitement of a game. Play a movie drinking game instead and it’ll keep everyone involved and the hype alive.

Star Wars Drinking Game

Every time someone turns a lightsaber on or off Someone successfully uses the force Anyone yells at C3PO Anyone says “Father” The Millenium Falcon has to be repaired

Harry Potter Drinking Game

Whenever Harry’s scar hurts Points are given or taken away Voldemort’s name makes someone uncomfortable When Hermione raises her hand When Ron says something dumb When Draco Malfoy tries to assert his dominance The Weasley Twins prank someone Dumbledore says something vague When Hagrid says something he isn’t supposed to

Video Game Drinking Games

A general rule when turning video games into drinking games to drink when you lose or die. This can be applied to most fighting games and FPS games since it’s basically the only time you can pause to do anything else. 

However in games that a little more complex you can add a few twists.

The League of Legends Drinking Game

When you die Every time you back Take Dragon/Baron Lose a Tower Lose an inhibitor Miss a canon minion Lose the game

The Super Smash Bros. Drinking Game

Lose a Life Drink twice if you suicide Drink twice if you’re knocked against the map Drink twice if the stage kills you If a character’s name is being chanted

The Mario Kart Drinking Game

Don’t drink and drive You can only drink when your car is at a complete stop You must finish your drink before the end of the race

Make Anything a Drinking Game

As simple as the rules are for the games above, virtually any game can be morphed into it’s alcoholic counterpart with a little creativity. 

Now you can start planning your next get together and get the party started with any of these applicable nerdy drinking games!